We Invite You To the Wedding Of
We are getting married!
Mr. dr. H. Arief Indra Sanjaya SpPk
Mrs. dr. Hj. Myrna Zvesdina
By invoking the almighty God’s mercy, as the happiness that we feel at the moment where we will make our son/daughter‘s wedding:
Mr. H. Khudhori Azis, S.H., M.Hum
Mrs. Hj. Emi Susanti
Yes, you may send some gift (E-Angpao) to The Groom and The Bride if you wish to.
1. BCA: 7340033927 an. Ami Muslim Hakam
2. Mandiri: 1370007454677 an. Ami Muslim Hakam
3. BNI: 081749996 an. Fuchsia Firdausi Zein
Saturday, 4 December 2021
13.00-15.00 | Akad
16.00-17.00 | Reception
The Ritz Carlton Pacific Place Jakarta
Sudirman Commercial Business, Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.35, District Jakarta, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta 12190
Sedang Memuat Komentar..
In the limitations of the current pandemic covid-19 conditions, we apologize for not being able to directly invite all of you to our wedding.
With all respect, allow us to expect your virtual presence and give us your blessing.
13.00 - 15.00 | Akad Nikah
16.00 - 17.00 | Reception
Is an honor and a joy for us if Mr/Mrs/Brother/Sister was pleased to attend to give a prayer of blessing to us.